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6 Ways to Win with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a platform that is often overlooked in social media marketing strategies. However, LinkedIn can be a source of high-quality leads and high level-digital networking.

Linkedin has over 722 million registered professionals across 200 countries and territories. It is the best social media platform for lead generation.

LinkedIn campaigns are 277% more likely to generate viable leads compared to Facebook campaigns.

4 out of 5 registered LinkedIn users are positioned to drive decisions for their company, making it the platform of choice for B2B marketing.

Posts for Facebook and Instagram with short captions and engaging graphics will not be as effective on LinkedIn. Opt for long-form posts on this platform. Posts and articles with 1900- 2000 words perform best on Linkedin.

How to Win with your LinkedIn Strategy

1. Define your goals

Make SMART goals to increase awareness, build leads, engage with your audience, etc.

2. Enhance your Profile

Make sure you have a high-quality profile picture that is relevant to your brand. Profile photos that abide by the rule of thirds will help create a profile image that is more interesting and pleasing to the eye.

Profiles with a headshot are 21 times more likely to be clicked compared to profiles without a headshot.

Add your current position and use a high-quality branded LinkedIn header. Click here to download free LinkedIn header templates.

3. Publish Valuable Content

This seems like a no-brainer, but remember to find ways to add value for other professionals. Educate, inform, guide, inspire, or entertain your audience. Share insightful and relevant news about your industry even if it is from a third party.

4. Turn Employees to Advocates

Incentivize your employees to engage with the company’s brand on Linkedin by adding it to their profiles and sharing your content.

5. Send out Personalized InMail Messages

Find your target audience on LinkedIn and send personalized InMail campaigns to engage with them.

Authentic interactions are key. Don’t copy and paste your pitch. Instead, find out details about them from their profile and make a connection. Send messages with no more than 3 sentences and avoid using “I.”

6. Explore LinkedIn groups

LinkedIn has thousands of networking groups. You can connect with other professionals by engaging in those groups and creating digital brand advocates.

Don’t underestimate the power of being strategic on LinkedIn. Adopt a robust LinkedIn strategy to increase your leads.


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